The correct position of the Sternum Strap when wearing a backpack
is in the middle of the sternum, or breastbone as illustrated in
this diagram. If the Sternum Strap is lower than this position on
the sternum or breastbone, it may interfere with effective breathing.
White Mountain™ do not use an elasticised Sternum Strap
as this would prevent the effective tension required. However, It
is important that you not over tension the Sternum Strap as this
would prevent the Sternum Strap from operating effectively.
The Sternum Strap in conjunction with the Harness Shoulder Straps
distributes some of the backpack weight across the chest, and prevents
the Shoulder Straps from drifting onto the shoulder joint, or slipping
off the shoulder.
White Mountain™ recommend always having and using a correctly
positioned Sternum Strap particularly on any extended walks.
The Sternum Strap pulls the Harness Shoulder Straps closer to
the centre of the body, allows increased arm flexibility, prevents
the Harness Shoulder Straps drifting onto the shoulder joint, or
from slipping off the shoulder. When climbing, bending over, or
scrambling over rough terrain the Sternum Strap will generally ensure
greater backpack comfort under load.
The Sternum Strap although necessary for Shoulder Strap comfort
cannot compensate for poorly designed Harness Shoulder Straps.